My work grapples with the incalculable nature of being human, employing painting as a sensual connection to our primal need for ritual and mark making in the process of individuation.  The act of painting is an experience of integration of our deep ancestry, an acknowledgement and validation of the mystical as a collection of paradoxes.  The materiality of the paint, color, and pattern, marry the material world with the spiritual world, wrestling with the complexities of time, relationship, culture, and emotion.  This creative act serves as a conduit for the past to live in the present, mirroring the ancestry of our lives.  The paintings are unapologetically raw as a rejection of polished conventions—representing a notion of femininity, that the nobility of expression is pleased to inhabit a leaky, often scorned, body.


Ashley Addair is a visual artist, mama of three, and collector of chairs.  She is a modern dancer and holds track and field records in the state of Illinois.  She tells on joke every year at Christmas.  If she weren't a painter she would be a scientist.  Her chief interest is in color and it's use as a metaphor for being.  Addair is an active member of her arts community in Knoxville, Tennessee and her paintings are collected internationally.

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