My work is to be, whole, in my particulars. My work is to be with and care for through relational presence. For me, a life well spent is loving everything that is. It is living at the pace indigenous to my body. It is a material practice that is prayer, which are accumulated gestures. It is calling attention to narratives and frameworks of division that engender suffering. I know that your thriving is my thriving and that the structures that direct our life flows aren’t working. As I write this we are in a converging economic, social, and political crisis. I daily wake to honor life breathing me and I think my tiny part to play in our exuberant unfolding is to carry out a series of artistic and anarchical interventions that create little spaces for liberating ourselves from the stories that perpetuate the othering that is the heart of exploitation and oppression. Much of my work isn’t transactional in the monied sense and I take on the question and challenge of livelihood as an extension of my practice because this is how we be together. If you want to collaborate with/participate in/support/value/affirm/vote for the work that I (we) do (are), here are some options to do that:

DONATE (wishlist to be published)

COLLECT (purchase art through Nickerson Projects)



BARTER (email me a proposal)