
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

One cannot find (or lose) her niche, we're the organism and the environment (finding and losing assumes separation)

One cannot find (or lose) her niche, we're the organism and the environment (finding and losing assumes separation)

day 53

the star

46 degrees, cloudy

cycle day 17

waning crescent

Today’s assignment gifted to me by Steven Friedlander:

“Since time past and time future all lead to one end, which is time present: Assume you are starting to write your autobiography today. Write me three titles for the book.

Then: Think about your three closest friends. How would each of them title the book!”

Okay, before I go any further. Isn’t this a great question? I love the specificity that maintains the depth and wildness of any question worth its weight. Worth the dot under its hook? Worth the scribble above its period?

Anyway, onto the work.

How to Un-Artist: an autobiography in workbook form (because the story is always (un)writing itself)

She Didn’t Know: one human’s story told eight (completely incompatible, paradoxical and entirely true) ways

A Body Expanded: adventures in incarnation, told in love letters

and from my three closest friends…

Freedom Gift: a story of unshackling by and for all of us

We’re All Okay (and some of us dress up for the occasion)

Maps so Big Nothing is Wayward: articulations of a life aimed at care

stabilizing on shifting sands

stabilizing on shifting sands

the play in darkness, taboos, money, rebirth, sex, and transformation

the play in darkness, taboos, money, rebirth, sex, and transformation